universal consciousness

100 posts

Calculate, Delegate and Consolidate Beyond the Mind

Are we dependent on the mind? And, does the mind have the ability to truly calculate the depth of our conscious interaction with life? Did you answer these questions with a yes? That’s fine if you did.  After all, the mind calculates. That is what it does. Therefore, the mind analyses and, in its own interest, tells you to say yes. However, let’s attempt to consciously step beyond the mind.  And, in the same moment also be aware that the mind is still there. It sounds confusing but don’t let thoughts manipulate your state of conscious being. Acknowledge that the conditional mind is like a box. Therefore, let’s use the cliché go outside the box. To illustrate conscious presence.


Indeed! How would it be to live beyond the limitations of the mind. Recognize that it is possible to consciously live and still use the mind. Imagine how it would be to fully live without the mind interfering. Continue reading


Autonomy as a Stepping Stone in Life

Typically, we dissect our experiences in attempts to categorize something as good, bad, right or wrong. However, let’s stretch our horizon to engulf the unconditional totality of living. Yes, a million and more years of evolution overshadow any given experience. And, our species interaction with life is mostly a redundant series of mind-induced behavior repetitions. Nevertheless, we have the potential to experience life in a conscious state of autonomy. This word recently fascinated me. The word itself in reference to psychology is useful as a further stepping stone on our inner journey of self-discovery.


Autonomous derives from the Greek word autonomos where auto means self and nomos means to govern (Wikipedia). Therefore, let’s use the word autonomy as a portal to a life of active, conscious presence. How do most people behave in reaction to daily activities, especially in difficult or stressful situations? Everyone wants to go off the grid and live on an island. Likewise, what is the predominant dream of people around the world? Everybody wishes for prosperity and freedom to live according to their desire. But, this desire is usually in accordance with a given societies image of success and happiness. However, there is a deep-rooted flaw within such attempts to find peace and salvation. What is this painted image of illusion that makes us dependent on the mind in the hope of finding happiness? Continue reading


Innocence Is Eternal Wisdom

Life is perpetual freshness, in permanent movement, as such, we need to be the same way; childlike innocence is requested by existence, every time, in every circumstance – a priceless purity. – Ilie Cioara


Mr. Cioara shares a timeless truth that illustrates consciously living within the flow of life. There deep within the recesses of your being is an innocence that never fades away. Furthermore, your essence holds the sincerest level of beingness. Therefore, you innately know the difference between existing and living.

Similarly, a young child does not mask the experience of life with false labels, definitions or illusions. A child lives life now. And, so can you. Therefore, acknowledge that existence details within this moment do not truly express the life manifestation that flows through you. Continue reading


Liar, Liar Pants on Fire

This childhood rhyme is a paraphrase from the 1800 century poem The Liar by William Blake. Lying, as with any experience, releases energy into a universal flowing and vibrating stream. Therefore, to illustrate, lie about something and experience the energy vibration that results from this lie. This is our conversation for today. Only a habitual liar would deny that lying doesn’t cause disharmony in the flow of our mental and bodily output. The realization of the universal energy we share is a fundamental stepping stone in conscious awakening. However, the majority of people still lie to themselves about life, more accurately about how to live life. Thus, people deny themselves the spacious presence within a universal energy flow because of this lie.


What is the lie that people tell themselves? The assumption is that we are an anomaly that is not part of a universal energy flow. This illusion of separation is the lie we tell ourselves and quite literally the universe. On the other hand, and oddly enough, we sense the influence of life within the dimension of our beingness. And yet, we still choose to deny being a part of life. This restricts our potential to influence this vibrational flow and the manifestation of our beingness. Continue reading

The Air That I Breathe

You are the essence of spring.
Your smile shines like the sun after the rain.
This warmth and beauty highlight the magnificence of life.
Your laughter is a symphony.
Pure and so alive.
Everyone must only deeply listen to understand.
Unfortunately, there are still but a few that become aware.
Your eyes shine brighter than the stars.
Each is heavenly blazing and dancing.
It is as pleasingly as a dream.
Your innocence shines forth with a wisp of wisdom.
You intoxicate all with your presence.
Thus, this reveals the bliss of life.
You are precious… like the air I breathe.


Look there. A tree blossoms before your eyes. Now breathe deeply and allow the tree to reach out to you. It is inviting you to lead the dance of life. Each limb and leaf are pulsating with universal life energy. Furthermore, your awareness stimulates this energy You decide the manifestation and rhythm of the dance. Life, more accurately, the universe eagerly vibrates to the energy you manifest through the inner universe. 

Each person is the manifestation of springtime through the life energy we share. As is true for all experiences. Yes, people forget. And, then there is misunderstanding, frustration, anger and fear. Nevertheless, everything shares a universality through the presence of being. Therefore, let life flow as you continue on a path of inner self-discovery. Consciousness, life and unconditionally living go hand in hand. Continue reading

Sensation of Life and Joy of Loving

Life is a beautiful sensation. Nevertheless, we often overlook the joy of breathing and the gentleness seen when a butterfly glides through the air. Must you analyze the two previously mentioned experiences? No. However, you insist on defining and labeling the act of living. But, don’t worry. You are not alone. The majority of people put life, love and the act of living under a microscope. Therefore, let’s focus on life and love during this conversation with the hope of awakening conscious awareness.


Life, is a frequency of the universe. Thus, let’s ask ourselves if love is equally a component of the universal expansion. Ultimately, love as a sensation of life, is obvious. Consequently, the act of living life introduced consciousness into objects within this realm of isness. Hence, logic suggests that the universe has the potential to experience consciousness. Please don’t misinterpret the role of any object within universal expansion. The universe and objects within the universe are of one beingness. Therefore, everything has the likelihood of awakening to the conscious act of being. Continue reading


Deliberate Steps to Conscious Living

Yes, the majority of people are still living from the mind. And, thoughts and emotions overshadow our life experience. Nevertheless, more and more people are aware that conscious evolution is blossoming. Coincidentally, this trending expansion allows deliberate and conscious responses to ago-old involuntary and unnecessary behavior patterns. Thus, the benefits to conscious awareness in our life experience become obvious. A state of conscious being offers clarity and calmness on the path of life. 


Nevertheless, humankind, as a whole, is still struggling due to mind detail interventions. Therefore, our experience of life still fluctuates constantly in a whirlwind of insignificant details that confuse and distract.

So why do people remain oblivious to the benefits of conscious awareness? We might, at first glance, ask if this unconscious behavior is intentional. However, and obviously, there is nothing deliberate about a state of unaware existence, except the unfamiliarity with conscious awareness. We can surely agree that a conditioned mind is manipulative and restrictive to conscious expansion. Thus, the majority of thoughts and emotions induce mental playbacks that do not benefit our experience of presence. Continue reading

Celebrate Spring Anytime of the Year

A flower, bush, or tree may seem to have a specific time to blossom. But, this interpretation is misleading. A plant capable of flourishing will do so regardless of time or season. We see this often in the changing of seasons, especially in the spring. Therefore, it is not unusual to see plants behave atypically for a certain season.


A change in temperature and sunshine can prompt trees to bud and flowers to push through the frozen earth. This type of mystical growth happens months before spring begins. Let’s emphasize the word change as a catalyst to inducing expansion and growth. They blossom because they can. And, there is no reason to explain why this occurs, other than a change occurs.

This is also true for you or me pertaining to conscious living and enlightenment to life. You will blossom and consciously awaken when you are ready. Thus, you greet the clarity of conscious living and accept changing how you live. This is a transformation. This is an analogy to a plant that changes its typical growth patterns and blossoms according to a favorable environment. Continue reading

Beingness Includes Being Human

Existentially speaking, we cannot avoid being human. Nevertheless, the essence of our being is universal. Furthermore, this beingness is within all objects. Therefore, a see-saw effect between being human and universal beingness causes us to forget. And, this results in a daily no win – no win existence dilemma.


People usually, without realizing it, reject and wish to avoid the part of our being that is human. This is evident in the manner by which people experience living. Evolution aka, classic conditioning syndrome causes us to take sides. The majority of people think they are human and must reach for absolution through beliefs. Countless dogmas remain prevalent due to a side-effect resulting from the above-mentioned existence dilemma.

The mind obstructs conscious clarity.  Equally, the minds’ search for fulfillment, balance and bliss, blocks our awareness to universal beingness. This imbalance causes separation and fear to dominate/contaminate how we interact with ourselves, others and living life. Continue reading


How to Add a Spice to Life

A spice adds flavor or taste to food. Therefore, let’s use this descriptive word to express your conscious awakening. Do you have a zest for life? And, do you wish to live life to its fullest? If yes, then the practice of conscious awareness is beneficial. It is a process. Everything you experience is a spice that adds flavor to life.  However, your active participation is necessary. Indeed, how you observe any moment determines the outcome of your experience.


Let’s illustrate how the flavor of life can alter through any given experience. I will use a personal experience for this example. Recently, I cleaned my apartment. Suddenly, my focus was on the reflection in a mirror. I observed my mouth. My attention remained on my mouth as the act of breathing become obvious to me.

I cannot explain how. But, my entire state of aware beingness focused on breathing. I felt the air enter and expand in my body. It was clear that breathing was the spice that gave life depth and flavor. Continue reading