Life Quotes: Living as You Desire

Practice letting each thought flow without attaching anything to it. No labels, no judgement, and no anxiety.

Have you every thrown one stone after another into a tranquil surface of water? The waves spread out in all directions. They collide with each other and all things that get in their way. In the same manner, this is the affect that thoughts have on our state of presence. The baseline (being present) is calm. ‘But, one thought after the other results in turbulence. What happens to a calm lake when you throw one stone after the other into it? The waves from each stone collide into each other without flowing their nature course. Similarly, the mind throws countless thoughts and feelings into our state of conscious living. ‘This is because we unconsciously attempt to focus on the majority of these passing thoughts. Hence, the torment of thought waves flood over the serenity of aware presence. Practice letting each thought flow without attaching anything to it. No labels, no judgement, and no anxiety.”

Trust is the core of spirituality. Self-certainty reflects the oneness of life and the ability to unconditionally be, live and love. Thus, rely on the essence of being.

Realize deeply that most thoughts are not as significant or as serious as the mind tells you.

Any destination is only a speculated goal. But, a conscious journey along the way offers life and love.

The unconscious mind distracts and deceives. Aware presence reveals and enlightens.

You are awakening to consciousness. This new perspective and clarity can be confusing. Additionally, you will begin to feel space and freedom in all you do. Yet, it can be scary and the mind is defiant. Imagine, if you will, a tug rope game. This battle of control first appears to be between the mind and consciousness. However, the mind is on both ends of the rope. While enlightenment (consciousness) is on the sidelines neutrally watching the conflicting mind. This mind-conflict is misleading in the beginning of the awakening process. It will seem that the mind and consciousness are in a power-struggle. But, the mind is only in conflict with itself. You can change this behavior pattern.” Be aware, accept, and let go.

Energy may be the element that unites Body (form), mind (thought) and consciousness. All three can thus exchange input and output. Additionally, all can freely influence this field. This readily allows energy to manifest. These are flowing frequencies that flourishes in a dimension of oneness.

Practice experiencing everything in a state of non-expectancy and non-attachment. The beauty of living will sudden become clear.

The simplicity of life is universal. Mother Nature is a wonderful teacher.

“A smile, just like a moment of living consciously, can ripple out touching and changing everything in the universe.”


“A clear understanding of your inner universe will help you to see the outer universe much clearer. The Force is strong in you, just let it flow. There is no absolute yes or no. There is only here and now.”

“People expect another person or thing to make them happy and fulfill them. Perhaps this is why so many people have difficulties and suffer in relationships. One or the other or both are always expecting the other person to give them something that they think is lost. It is always there within but most people are still expecting to find it out there somewhere.”

“Evolution conditioning mind patterns are very distracting and restrictive. Hence, the mind repeatedly regains dominance over our conscious state of being until it doesn’t. This may seem vague. However, I know that you understand.”

“Oh, the sweetness of summer will soon fade. The first leave will soon take flight. The days become shorter and the nights will be colder. Later the snow will fall to blanket the earth. This is Mother Nature living and breathing. There under the newly fallen snow are the seeds that become the flowers of spring. This is her life and her beauty.”

“Every everlasting moment is not a repetition of the last or a prerequisite for the next. Live and experience life and love now.”

“The end justifies the means.” This sentence is quite debatable. Instead, let’s say that All experiences lead to this moment”

“Being lonely is considered real. The mind has used evolutionary tricks of the trade to invoke loneliness. It is only a state of mind. It is not real. Do you really want to ‘be’ lonely?”

“The lack of mind-imposed demands, restrictions and conditioning will allow you to simply be who you are in each moment. You are essentially the now itself and not the minds superimpose details that have been added to this state of presence.”

“Being in sync with life will allow you to experience everything naturally, as it unfolds, and not how the mind interprets it.”

“Life does not dictate concept, definition, or purpose; neither individually nor universally.”

“We are blessed with the gift of life. Now is the time to actively become aware of this precious endowment.”

“The moment has come to consciously awaken and change how we see ourselves; thus, we change the universe.”

“Go beyond the mind and discover you have always been where you had wished to be but thought that you could not get there.”

“We can now understand that the development of this world and the universe is dependent on what we think, what we wish and what we decide.”

“The human mind has manipulated our species existence. We no longer know how to do the one thing that should be the most natural and simplest.

“We have forgotten how to just be.”

“Every moment of life is, by true definition, the first, and the last of our human existence. “How do you wish to live this one moment?”


“Energy is manifesting universally and this is ongoing. The now of this moment is everlasting and so are we. Awareness is the key that can set you free.”

“We seek eternity through science, religion and philosophy. This moment cannot truly be defined. It is now. Knowing this deeply is to know eternity.”

“Any life-form that evolves beyond a given mental and conscious level can achieve a deeper synchronicity with love…life and ultimately universal consciousness unfolds. However, this can only occur when the given life-form is aware and willing.”

“Conscious awakening simply involves true awareness of the moment. This will eventually allow object consciousness and universal life consciousness to reunite harmoniously.”

“Life is universally intertwined, not individually dominated. We are; in essence, absolute consciousness…everything is one with life.”

“Are you often confused, anxious or frightened? The reason is because you are much more than what the mind wants you to think or believe.”

“We have forgotten what it means to experience this one everlasting moment in life”.

“The mind is unimportant in becoming enlightened or to put it in other words, thinking is not needed to experience life.”

“Life is a much better experience without the minds definitions, assumptions and interpretations.”

“Life energy is manifesting through everything; I am nothing and I am everything.”

“Yes, beyond the mind is where we all should go, then we will really ‘know’.”

“Every life-form has the ability to alter and change the energy ebb and flow within the dimension of universal consciousness.”