Life Quotes: Living as You Desire

“The sunshine and happiness that you are looking for out there is in you. Let it shine!”

“You can never realize the divine enlightenment of your being if you continue to expect people and things to change before you can become enlightened.”

“Being in a state of unawareness blindfolds us to our state of presence in each moment.”

“You are a manifestation of life and your essence has been here since before there was anything materialistic to experience. Therefore, do not cling to the mind or the details of our object existence in an attempt to experience the divine nature of being one with everything.”

“May I suggest an exercise about living in presence? Let your mind know that you are not willing to waste precious object and universal energy on details that are only of relative importance. Most of our thoughts, feelings and beliefs hold little or no true merit in the ultimate experience of life.”

“A life-form is truly conscious when it does not react to the activities of the mind but rather responds to what is now.”

“Do you want to experience miracles? Then be the miracle that you want to experience.”

“The serenity of an experience, whether rain or sun unfolds naturally when you are at peace with yourself. This is true for any situation. The song of life is not truly an acoustic or visual occurrence; it is the totality of all there is in that moment.”

A key to being aware of awareness is not to be consumed by the thoughts or emotions that the mind invokes on you in any given moment. The mind will say “You can only be in present when you think, contemplate and expect it” This is false. This type of conditioned behavior does not offer the space needed to be present. However, the mind will trick and confuse us into believing that we are in presence; when actually we only think that we are present. The practice of active awareness is significant for reuniting object and universal consciousness. However, this can never truly be possible when we are overshadowed by thought and emotions patterns. Therefore, it is wise to observe the minds activities; both personal and collective.”

“You will realize the totality of your own creation when you acknowledge that you are within everything.”

“The absolute experience of living becomes the pinnacle of your existence.”

“Enlightenment is not and cannot be restricted to only this or that. It encompasses the totality; regardless of the labels we place on something. Yes, this implies that you can also experience enlightenment in the worst situation, illness or even in the moment when this biological body dies.”

“Be fully in the now and each consecutive now will take care of itself without needing to worry about it. Don’t think about now, instead be it.”

“You receive the life you give. There is a part of you (person) in everything (life) that you experience.”

“The beauty or suffering of your existence lies within your hands. It is how you observe yourself in relation to the universe you are manifesting that will change everything. A situation or person does not decide your state of being. It is and can only ever be you.”

“The beauty and purity of life and love are experienced in silence”

Quote: “You are not your mind, although it will persistently tell you it is. There is something magical and mysterious beyond mind and self-consciousness. It is universal and is nurtured by your level of awareness to the totality of life and love.”

“The act of being and acceptance that we are flowing with the life energy consciousness is all that is needed to live. Or to express it in another way, it is all that there truly is because our focus on any given thought, feeling, activity, person etc. is only temporary. This is because these things center on the mind and is a method of ‘doing’ something instead of simply ‘being’ everything.”

“Everything seems to change but it is really only each person that is changing and this reflects onto what he or she experiences.”

“It is never really about “doing” anything. Rather, experiencing life and consciousness within ourselves and all objects is an acknowledging, accepting and allowing experience. I refer to these as the triple “AAAs” of living in a state of presence.”

“Life is entirely indifferent to believing or not believing. Traditional thinking tells us that you must first believe in something, and then you must have faith in it, before it will happen or be given to you. However, believing in a belief does not validate its authenticity.”

“The act of believing is not really necessary. It is one of many concepts that do not benefit the expansion of object consciousness. A relationship with life should not be based on a belief or the concept of believing.”

“A seemingly insignificant thought can manifest from an idea or desire into solid form; if the universe deems it to be yours. Whether you believe or don’t believe in something or someone is irrelevant.”

“You will understand more and more why something happens as you become actively conscious and aligned with the source of life.”

“Universal intelligence is always tuned into the energy initiated by an object.”

“What would it be like to just let go of all that we believe about our existence and just live?”

“The ability to awaken awareness to conscious living is significant to allow a shift in how we experience life.”

“If it is possible for you then please do your best to always understand that in every moment of life everything is happening as it should be happening.”

“The one thing that will change your world is to understand that, in both good times and bad also in happy times or sad, life will reveal itself according to how you see yourself in relationship to it.”

“It is spiritually beneficial to free the mind of the crazy things that humankind wants us to believe. Just trust your instinct and listen to the consciousness of life. Your instinct is the pure consciousness of life.”

“The prerequisite for enlightened living is to remain anchored in the now.”

“It will be very difficult to know that you are enlightened if you are not willing to feel or experience a situation as a human being and then go beyond these limitations.”

“How can thoughts push us to the brink of despair? Is loneliness real or a phantom of the mind? Does this result due to a lack of awareness?”

“The question to ask is whether or not pure consciousness can suffer loneliness? Is it possible to tarnish, manipulate or restrict universal consciousness?”

“A clear understanding of your inner universe will help you to see the outer universe much clearer. The Force is strong in you, just let it flow. There is no absolute yes or no. There is only here and now.”

“People expect another person or thing to make them happy and fulfill them. Perhaps this is why so many people have difficulties and suffer in relationships. One or the other or both are always expecting the other person to give them something that they think is lost. It is always there within but most people are still expecting to find it out there somewhere.”

“The end justifies the means.” This sentence is quite debatable. Instead, let’s say that All experiences lead to this moment”

“Being lonely is considered real. The mind has used evolutionary tricks of the trade to invoke loneliness. It is only a state of mind. It is not real. Do you really want to ‘be’ lonely?”

The one that looks beyond the mind knows there is only one truth to find. This truth, in whatever form, can only be experienced now. This is where a decision should be made. Step fearlessly into this realm of simplicity or stay outside cast in a self-made Hell. The stillness of this totality is one step away unfortunately the mind casts shadows that darken the way.”

“To simply be and to allow does not necessarily imply doing anything. A fish does not need to think about swimming to know it is in water.”