conscious awareness quotes

27 posts


Realize Your True Potential

Universal life energy vibrates every moment. Let’s cut through the Spiritual jargon’s and simply say energy vibrates.  And, there are many frequencies within this flow. Evolution and conditioning manipulate our observation of life. Thus, people misconstrue everything. Still, we sense these vibrations. And, these pulsations are constant. Also, we realize, at least vaguely, the potential within this energy.  Furthermore, these influence us and we influence the frequencies. But, it is difficult to stay consciously within the flow. This is because the mind still misinterprets or dismisses such conscious sensations. However, there is a beneficial stepping stone to conscious living. Acknowledge that you do not need the mind to live in a state of presence.


Nonetheless, the mind will forcefully continue to interfere with the unfolding of our life experience. Hence, the mind’s static discharges restrict the expansion of conscious energy. Unawareness to the isness of this moment causes a person to misunderstand the simple, unconditional act of living. Likewise, living in a state of awareness causes a person to readily accept the mind’s version of reality. Correspondingly, thoughts and emotions fuel the mind’s interpretation of life and living. Continue reading


Object Space Occupation and You

This almost sounds like the title for a science fiction thriller. However, the focus of this article is to awaken your awareness to the space you occupy. Firstly, acknowledge that you are an object that occupies space. Does this sound ridiculous? You know that you are here. But, do you really know what it means to be here now? Everything tangible occupies space. At least, this is how we interpret it through sensory perception. But, there is so much more of a non-tangible something than there is tangible entities in the universe. Here are some fun facts.

– The universe comprises the following.
– 68% dark energy (unknown properties and pushes matter outward)
– 27% dark matter (unknown properties and pulls matter inward)
– 5% normal matter (you, me and all objects)


And, astonishingly, 99.9999999% of any tangle object (this means you) is non-space. Let’s call this emptiness. 95 percent of the universe is dark energy and dark matter. Let’s just simplify these terms. There is more non-manifested empty/beingness than manifested isness/beingness. So, what is the common denominator in the universe? Everything is here and now as an expression of being this moment. Still, the insight I share today is not a lesson in science. So, don’t let the mind pull you in that direction. Continue reading


Anxieties Crawling Near and I Am Afraid

Thoughts and emotions overwhelm you. You are tense and fearful. But, strangely, you are sitting under a tree in the sunshine at that moment. Therefore, your anxiety is about something that might happen, could happen, or should happen. So, this fear is a mind illusion. Not real. But, it seems so real. Memories and thought patterns attempt to invoke a non-real scenario onto this moment. Everything was wonderful. But, somehow crawling anxieties of the mind manipulate your sense of being.


This reaction is similar to seeing a huge threatening spider crawling toward you. You are unaware of anything else except this supposed threat. This unawareness of the mind causes you to react instead of respond to a situation. Realize that there is a difference between react or respond.

Can you recall such an experience? It, referring back to something ominous crawling toward you, can interrupt your state of presence. This manipulates and can even restrict a person from experiencing the spaciousness within presence.  Mind behavior generally initiates a sequence of reactions within an unconscious person. And, an unaware person is oblivious to mind activities. Continue reading

Enchantment of Life and You the Magician

There is magic within this moment. Living life is the experience of enchantment. But, not because of the details within this instant. Mind details and diversity actually cause us to overlook the isness of now. For example, memories recently overcame me while listening to music during a rainstorm. There were memories of a fireplace, reading a book, sharing time with someone, and a candle.


It first felt as if I was experiencing these memories in that instant. Consequently, I realized that the magic of any particular memory was not then but now. The mind is a vast storeroom of memories, anticipations, and anxieties that have nothing to do with this moment. Therefore, perplexity results due to a memory or memories. But, these do not have anything to do with the current situation. Continue reading


Dance with a Tree and Sing Your Song

Being one with Life is a discover that changes how you live. More and more people are awakening to the simplicity of conscious living. People either realize this simplicity or they don’t. Please understand that active conscious awareness is not necessary to exist. You will continue to live with or without conscious awareness. Nevertheless, the quality of your life experience changes greatly when you consciously live in the flow of life. Also, there is no ready-made guideline or map leading to X marks the spot. The X represents the shift from mind to active consciousness in your life experience. You will deeply know when you are truly awake. Henceforth, you will recognize that life is a dance. And, you are the composer. Everyone composes a life song. But, most people unconsciously write this composition. Therefore, most individuals repeatedly experience drama, confusion, and fear. 


Life and universal energy literally dance to the rhythm of our inner universe. There is a vibrating flow within the state of our being. This music is always playing. But, we don’t really listen.  We compose a dance through the simply act of being. Everything in our surroundings, include the vibration of life, blend into this rhythm. Our conscious or unconscious energy energizes the manifestation of life and the universe.

Therefore, it is best to lead this universal life song from a conscious state of being. Continue reading

Describe Who Are You, But Why?

So, how would you describe yourself? Don’t worry if this question causes anxiety. The world tells you who you are. People and situations distract us every day. This results in conditioned thought and behavior patterns. Thus, contaminates your inner universe and the manifestation of your outer universe.


This contamination preoccupies and overwhelms the majority of people. Thus, spend their life experience in an energy field of doubt, worry, and fear. Still, and for that reason, you claim to not know who you are. Meanwhile and additionally, the world tells you to keep searching for your purpose. Do you detect the vicious and repetitious patterns this causes? But, the world has many distractions that basically confuses you even more. These mind detail factors change throughout our evolution. But then again, somehow nothing changes because we mostly remain unconscious to the simplicity within the complexity. And, yes, the mind constantly insists that everything is of a complex nature. So, the mind demands that you describe the simply act of being, of living. Continue reading


Story-writer Tell Me Another Story

A story-writer stares you back each day when you look in the mirror. This person has the mental capacity to write story after story, moment to moment and day by day.  However, please understand that the mind writes these stories. There are mental bookcases upon bookcases within the mind. The Library of Congress currently has 170 million books. But, compare this to the vast stories within the mind and it is like a water drop in a bucket.

And, please note that firstly these stories and mental books belong exclusively to you. At least, this is what the mind tells you. There are many characters, both good and bad in your stories. Additionally, there are vast selections of story genres; drama, adventure, and horror, to name a few. And the mind, as the story-writer, has an exclusive copyright. This enormous collection of personal and collective stories belongs to you. Wow, that is marvelous. Or is it?


The brain is an incredible body organ that can process huge amounts of information simultaneously. This is fine, when considering it strictly from the level of brain data processing. But what about beyond our mental and physical field of existence? Simply said. What about our conscious state of being? What happens to our conscious awareness during the mind’s storytelling? Well, mental energy blocks out the spaciousness of consciously living. The mind constantly reviews, redefines, and retells these mental stories. On the other hand, conscious universal life energy is always available. So, why don’t we live life consciously? Mostly, because the countless drama and never-ending mind stories overshadow our life experience. Continue reading

Talk, Talk, Talk, the Mind Never Stops

This article offers helpful stepping stones during the shift from the conditioned mind to conscious living. Have you truly awakened to consciousness? Be honest with yourself. This is not a trick question. How can you determine your conscious state of awareness to consciousness? And no, you have not necessarily awakened to consciousness just because the mind tells you that you are awake. Does it often seem that you and the mind talk to each other?


Well, how you answer this question is a useful stepping stone to determine your conscious awareness. Therefore, first let’s look at the path of stepping stones to conscious living. The following three jumping-off points can serve as an overview of the conscious awakening process. Continue reading


Moth Is Lost Because the Lights Are Bright

This article pertains to an area of human behavior that is comparable to a moth. The moth repeatedly flies toward a light or campfire in a kamikaze manner. Why do they do this? Scientists theorize that this is due to a behavior called transverse orientation.  This is common in some insects and involves flying at a constant angle relative to a distant light source. The insect navigates by using the distant light source as a beacon. Thus, the moth experiences perplexity around lights and campfires. Doesn’t this sound like how we react to thoughts and feelings?


Therefore, let’s look at this from a human standpoint. How is this behavior similar to our search for enlightenment? Enlightenment (spiritual) is the full comprehension of a situation (Wikipedia). We have a built-in navigation system that constantly points to true north. We can call this our transverse orientation, such as with a moth. Continue reading

Expectation Distracts Us from Living Life

Understandably, most people encounter day to day activities. And therefore, have primary concerns that distract them from living, truly living, and experiencing life and the presence of being. Expectation and demands overshadow our experience of life. Furthermore, and strangely enough, something unexpected is always happening. But, change is constant in a universe of things/objects.


It might still be difficult for you to accept, but you (presence) are constant. This will become obvious to you after the shift from mind to conscious awareness has begun. Yes, things happen and will continue to happen. But how you observe yourself and the mind will give you clarity. This, in turn, will determine how you perceive everything that unfolds in this moment. John Lennon offers beneficial insight into living life fully. Continue reading